Ethernet to 8 port RS232 Converter |
Ethernet I/P LAN to Serial
Device Server for RS-232 - serial applications.
10/100BaseT to 8 port RS232 Ethernet converter
The Eport-108 Ethernet serial server connects RS-232 serial devices to an Ethernet LAN/WAN providing a reliable communication connection. The Eport-108 Windows driver installs virtual COM ports in the Device Manager of the operating system. The virtual COM port is designed to establish a connection with the Eport-108. This in turn will allow communications with the connected serial device in the same manner as a device connected to the COM port in a PC. The LAN becomes transparent to the serial device and the software running on the PC. Eport-108 also offers a Heart Beat feature to insure a reliable communications connection. The Eport-108 can be configured as a TCP Client/Server or UDP. The Eport-108 operates in “Direct IP Mode”, “Virtual COM Mode”, and “Paired Mode”. Direct IP Mode Direct IP connections allow applications using TCP/IP or UDP/IP network socket programs to communicate with the asynchronous serial port on the Eport-108. In this type of application the Eport-108 is configured to TCP or UDP server. The socket program running on the PC establishes a communication connection with the Eport-108. The raw data is sent directly to and from the serial port. Virtual COM Mode The Virtual COM mode requires the installation of a virtual COM port device driver. In this mode, the ESport-108 must be set to either TCP/server or UDP/server in the menu with a designated communication port number. The virtual COM driver is a TCP or UDP client. Once the connection is made, the LAN is transparent to the serial device. Applications work just as if the serial device is connected a host’s physical COM port. The virtual COM port converts the application’s data into IP packet destined for the ESport-108, which in turn converts the IP packet back to serial data. Paired Mode Paired mode is also called serial tunneling. When this type of configuration is selected, no additional software is needed to install in a host PC. In fact a PC is not required to make the connection. Any two dumb serial devices that can communicate with each other through a serial link will be able to communicate using two E\port-108s and the LAN. Two Eport-108s are configured with one setup as a TCP or UDP client and the other to TCP/UDP server. When setting up the Server, the Remote IP address section must contain the address of the Client. This will allow the Client’s IP address to pass the IP address-filtering feature of the Server. Conversely, the Remote IP address of the Client must contain the Server’s IP address.
Heart Beat The Eport-108 provides a convenient way to establish reliable communications between two devices. Communication port 5300 is reserved for the Heartbeat Protocol. If a loss connection occurs the Heart Beat feature will try to reconnect the TCP data connection every 5 seconds until communications is established again.
Loop Back Eport-108 will work at Loop back Mode, all data is sent back immediately. This feature makes the connection testing easy.
301-924-7400 EXT 25
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