Low Power dial-Up Modem

Low Power 2 wire dial
DC and AC powered

Data Connect ST3342E-208-4  Standalone 3342L

and 2 or 4 wire leased circuits

Data Connect ST-3342E-208-4  Standalone 3342L Low Power

V.34 (33.6kbps) Data/Fax Modems – All models offer an AT compatible command interface and support the following modulation standards: V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A and Bell 103J. The following modulation standards are supported for fax: V.33, V.29 and V.27. Both synchronous and asynchronous DTE are supported.

3342E-208-4 Standalone 3342L Low Power, 2 wire dial and 2 or 4 wire leased circuits. Power: 5.5 to 14VDC, Included Inline Power Supply is 60 to 300 VDC or 100 to 240 VAC


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