Penril ALX V.32 Modem

P3192-0002, P3192-0004, P3192-0006, P3192-0001, P3192-0003, P3192-0005

Penril ALX V.32 Modem

  • Fallback rates of 16.8K, 14.4K, 12.0K, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400, 1200, 1200/75, 600 and 300 bps also supported

  • Group 3, Class 1 and Class 2 fax support

  • Compatible with Penril Communications Series 6000 Network Management System

  • Supports ITU-T V.42bis and MNP classes 1 though 5 to provide end-to-end error correction and data compression

Penril ALX V.32 Modem


The Penril Alliance V.32/19.2 FAX (ALX V.32 /19.2 FAX) Modem is a universal, multimode, multispeed, data/fax modem available in managed and unmanaged configurations. Using Digital Signal Processing technology this modem provides 19.2 Kbps for sync traffic, 115.2 Kbps for async and 14.4 Kbps for fax traffic.


Part Numbers

Part Number Description
P3192-0002 Penril ALX V.32/19.2M Fax managed stand-alone
P3192-0004 Penril ALX V.32/19.2M Fax managed rack mount
P3192-0006 Penril ALX V.32/19.2M Fax managed low profile
P3192-0001 Penril ALX V.32/19.2M Fax stand-alone
P3192-0003 Penril ALX V.32/19.2M Fax rack mount
P3192-0005 Penril ALX V.32/19.2M Fax low profile


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