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General Purpose Modem plus dial out based upon an alarm contact or PLC
coil output.
Key Features
- Dials upon alarm using a single PLC output
- Works with all brands and models of PLCs
- Auto-answers for two-way operation
- Report low tank level with a level switch
- UL508 (PLC enclosure), CSA and CE rated
Why an Industrial Telephone Modem?
SIXNET industrial telephone modems are designed for industrial environments.
Their rugged packaging and protected circuitry keep them working under
conditions that may cause cheap office-grade modems to fail. Industrial
applications are demanding - it gets hot, it gets cold - the power browns out or
spikes wildly - and you need a reliable industrial modem that can keep on going.
Industrial modems survive heat & cold
SIXNET industrial modems work reliably through the dead of winter to those hot
summer days. Unlike ordinary modems that are intended only for use in air
conditioned offices, SIXNET industrial modems are designed for those places that
you don't want to be - over the temperature range of -30 to 70ºC.
PC Software compatibility guaranteed
SIXNET industrial modems contain an industrial version of the same modem
chip-set found in PC internal modems. They support the full set of modem (AT)
commands, protocols and operating features, and are 100% Windows software ready.
Forget the Velcro and makeshift brackets
SIXNET industrial modems can be DIN rail or direct panel mounted. Their compact
footprint fits easily into equipment-filled enclosures.
Lose those bulky power transformers
SIXNET industrial modems run directly on the DC power that you already have in
your control cabinet. Get rid of those cumbersome AC outlet transformers. No AC
power means fewer safety issues. If you ship your equipment internationally, you
can forget about the headaches caused by different line voltages and
incompatible power plugs.
A simple solution for global business
Forget about the troubles of supplying different modems for each country. SIXNET
industrial modems are compliant with telephone systems around the world.
Simplify the logistics of your worldwide business and improve your bottom line.
System Integrators increase profits
System Integrators are putting SIXNET industrial modems in every PLC cabinet
they design or service. Now, you can make program changes and get your
customer's systems running without leaving your office.
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Sixnet VT-modem pages
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