StarComm  High Security Modem

password and caller ID protection secure modem
115VAC - VDC power


  • Remotely configurable
  • Remote network operations Dial-up Connection to Networked PCs
  • Control systems Secure/Confidential FAX Servers
  • Console ports Telecom Equipment Maintenance Ports
  • Diagnostic ports Corporate Data Access for Legacy Applications
  • Supervisory channels Alarm Systems
  • Remote Access Servers (RAS) Dial-up Data Connection via Toll-Free Numbers

3342S Security Modems – All models offer an AT compatible command interface and support the following modulation standards: V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A and Bell 103J. All models feature password protection, caller ID protection and audit trail capabilities with precision time keeping.

 Star-Comm modem 256 color.GIF (32264 bytes)

300bps through 33.6Kbps
AC and DC Powered

As a leader in the field of remote access, StarComm is aware of the rapid increase in damage and down time due to unwanted network intruders. Fortunately, it is no longer necessary to accept the security risk associated with unprotected remote access installations.

Whether you are trying to protect configuration ports on remote equipment or control access to your private network, the StarComm 3342S family of security modems is the right solution. With the wide range of features and options available in the 3342S family, you can select from economical solutions for basic security requirements or powerful feature sets for complex security issues:


  • Alarm systems
  • Phone switches
  • Control systems
  • Console ports
  • Diagnostic ports
  • Supervisory channels
  • Remote Access Servers (RAS)
  • Corporate data access

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(NOTE power plug polarity - center pin is positive and the out side of 5.5 barrel connector is negative)
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3342S Security Modems – All models offer an AT compatible command interface and support
the following modulation standards: 
V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A and Bell 103J. 
All models feature password protection, caller ID protection and
audit trail capabilities with precision time keeping.

3342E-004-2            Stand alone, for 2-wire dial circuits. Power: 115vac or 9-14vdc
3342E-204-2            Stand alone, for 2-wire dial circuits. Power: 5.5-14vdc
3342E-304-2            Stand alone, for 2-wire dial circuits. Power: 18-75vdc 
3342R-004-2            Rack mount, for 2-wire dial circuits. 

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