HSSI V.35 X.21 RS422 RS530 Converters |
V.35 cable &
V.35 cable gender mender
M/34 to M/34 and V.35-M/34 cable to DB25
V.35 to HSSI Interface Converter
Convert V.35 to HighSpeed Serial Interface (HSSI) at speeds up to 10
Bi-Directional Conversion
Key Features for the
Model 2040, V.35 to
Bi-Drictional Converter
Transparent to protocol Passes data, control lines, Two loopback modes. Built-in 6-ft. cable. Up to 10 Mbps CCITT V35 & HSSI V35 DTE to HSSI DCE, or V35 DCE to HSSI DTE HSSI co-directional timing |
Model 2040MC-MT: Connects
V.35 (DTE) to HSSI - (DCE)
Technically Speaking
HSSI (High-Speed Serial Interface) devices can now bi-directionally communicate with V35 devices at speeds up to 10 Mbps. The V35- HSSI Interface Converter supports all HSSI co-directional timing patterns, two loopback modes (local line and remote line), plus data and control signals.
Two versions of the Interface Converter are available. The 2040MT/MC lets a V.35 DTE device communicate with a HSSI DCE device. The 2040MC/MT lets a V.35 DCE device communicate with a HSSI DTE device. Both versions are equipped with a male M/34 connector on the converter end, and a male HD-50 on the end of a 6 foot (1.8m) cable (other connector genders and cable lengths are available on a custom basis). Power is supplied to the Model 2040 by an external AC transformer
Both STANDARD versions are equipped with a male M/34 connector on the converter end, and a male HD50 on the end of a 6-foot (1.8-m) cable. Power is supplied by an external AC power supply.
note DCE and DTE pin out on interfaces
Is Your
Interface a DTE or a DCE?
One of the stickiest areas of confusion in datacom is over the terms "transmit"
and "receive" as they pertain to DTE (data terminal equipment) and DCE (data
communication equipment). In synchronous communication, this confusion is
particularly acute, because more signals are involved. So why is it that you
sometimes send data on TD, and other times you send data on RD? Is this just a
cruel form of mental torture? Not really. The secret lies in adopting the proper
perspective. In data-com, the proper perspective is always from the point of
view of the DTE. When you sit at a PC, terminal or workstation (DTE) and
transmit data to somewhere far away, you naturally do so on the TD (transmit
data) line. When your modem or CSU/DSU (DCE) receives this incoming data, it
receives the data on the TD line as well. Why? Because the only perspective that
counts in data-com is the perspective of the DTE. It does not matter that the
DCE thinks it is receiving data; the line is still called "TD". Conversely, when
the modem or CSU/DSU receives data from the outside world and sends it to the
DTE, it sends it on the RD line. Why? Because from the perspective of the DTE,
the data is being received! So when wondering, "Is this line TD or RD? Is it TC
or RC?" Ask yourself, "What would the DTE say?"
jump to 2040 MANUAL
from Communications V.35 DCE device to HSSI DTE data device. | M/34 DTE/HD50 DCE |
2040MT-MC/UI |
from Communications HSSI DCE device to V.35 DTE data device. |
M/34 DCE to HD50 DTE |
2040MC-MT/UI |
When selecting converters a DTE must connect to a DCE or a DCE must
connect to a DTE.
If you have a CSU V.35 to a Router HSSI - the CSU will be DCE (which will connect to the
converter DTE) and the router will be a DTE (which will connect to the converter
The Model 2040MC-MT is designed to connect a V.35 or RS-422 DTE device to an HSSI DCE device. In this application, the M/34 (V.35) and HD-50 (HSSI) male connectors of the Model 2040MC-MT may connect directly to their respective equipment ports, or they may connect via a short "straight-through" cable. Figure 7 below Illustrates the proper connection of the Model 2040MC-MT.
The Model 2040MT-MC is designed to connect a V.35 or RS-422* DCE device to an HSSI DTE device. In this application, the M/34 (V.35) and HD-50 (HSSI) male connectors of the Model 2040MT-MC may connect directly to their respective equipment ports, or they may connect via a short "straight-through" cable. Figure 8 below illustrates the proper connection of the Model 2040MT-MC.
Data Rate - Up to 10 Mbps
Protocol - Synchronous Standards - CCITT V35; ITSSI (ANSI/TIA/EIA613)
Standards - V.35 version converts ITU/CCITT V.35 or EIA-422 to HSSI (ANSI/TlA/EIA-613 Dec. "93 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-612 NOV. "93) electrically and mechanically;
Clocking - All modes supported except conversion from smooth to gapped clock
Loopbacks - Local and remote; Local DTE not available
Cable - 6 ft.
Interfaces - Model 2040MC-MT: Connects V.35 (DTE) to
204OMT-MC: Connects V.35 (DCE) to HSSI (DTE)
2040MC-MT-422*: Connects RS-422 (DTE) to HSSI (DCE)
204OMT-MC-422*: Connects RS-422 (DCE) to HSSI (DTE)
RS-422 electrical signals are presented on a male connector
Connectors - HD50 Slimline, M/34, DB15, DB25 - Male or Female (option)
Temperature Range -32 to 122F (0 to 50C)
Maximum Altitude - Up to 15,000 feet
Humidity - 5 to 95%, noncondensing
Power Supply - 100 to 240 VAC auto-sensing external power supply
Size - 0.75"H x 1.75"W x 3"D (1.9 x 4.4 x 7.6 cm)
Approval -CE (EMC Directive/EN 50082-1)
2040MT-MC Block Diagram
2040MC-MT Block Diagram
301-924-7400 EXT 25 / 301-924-7400 EXT 25 / fax 301-924-7403
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